Stroller into your car?

For sure!

We even give you options for folding.

Fast and easy in your car.

The Jiffle wagon can be folded in three ways. Here we show you how to do this quickly and easily with an empty stroller. The car is a Volkswagen Golf. Smaller cars are also no problem. An electric Renault ZOE, for example. If you have even less space, you can remove the wheels. You can also place the stroller on its side to save even more space. More travel, less worries!

Into your car full of stuff!

Because your stroller is never empty.

Full, do not fold.

This is probably the most you’ll be doing since your stroller is always packed with stuff. For example, after some shopping or when you go out together. That makes The Jiffle so unique. No other stroller offers this option, or even tells you about it!

Here’s the easiest way to do this. First remove the seat. Then fold the bumperbar flat and put the seat in your car. Then place the push handle in your car, with the handlebar grip area at the foot end side of the seat.

After this you can place The Jiffle wagon with your stuff still inside, on top. With the front wheels at the head end, works best.

Seat and handlebar.

Place the seat with the back of the seat upwards. Then place the handlebar on the seat with the handlebar grip area at the foot end.

In your car full of stuff.

The Jiffle wagon can be placed on top of the seat with a full luggage area. Then the car can be closed. Nice and easy.

Into your car, empty.

Flat en easy!

Empty, quick and easy to fold.

If you no luggage, for example before you do your shopping, then simply fold The Jiffle wagon quickly and flat. Flatten the bumperbar of the seat.

First place the seat in your car. Then fold The Jiffle wagon, you can just leave the handlebar attached to the frame. Now it can be place on top of the seat. You can also place the seat on top of course… Or perhaps another combination that works best for your car.

Seat first.

Place the seat in your car, with the backside of the seat upwards. Then place the handlebar on the seat with the handlebar grip area at the foot end side of the seat.

Folded frame.

After folding the frame, it can be put directly in the car. It fits nicely on top of the seat. The front wheels on the foot end side of the seat.

The smallest folded stroller.

The smallest, very compact and handy.

If you want a really small folded one, you can have it! It’s even the smallest folded stroller. For when you go on vacation or maybe you have a very small car. This way you can store it anywhere, even under your bed (just kidding). Fold the stroller as you did before. You can put all the wheels in the luggage area, close the zippers and you’re left with a nice little ‘suitcase’. Place this in the car, then put the push handle and the seat on top. Now you really have a small space in the back of your car… If you will, you can also put the ‘suitcase’ and seat on their side, instead of lying down.

Frame and handlebar.

Fold the frame and take off the handlebar. The wheels can all fit in the luggage area. Then put this small ‘suitcase’ in the car first.


Place the seat on top. Make sure you fold in the bumberbar, then the seat is more  compact. The Jiffle wagon fits in every car! Have fun together.

Moments together like this…